© millerstown.org 2025
Millerstown Borough Council
Meeting Minutes
November 4, 2024
Those in attendance: President Rob Shipp, Vice
President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Rich
Fegley, Tim Ritzman and Donna Showers.
Secretary Karen Knellinger, Mayor John Kerns,
Plant Manager Dave Stroup, Assistant Manager
Jared Wagner and Operator Brycen Little. HRG
engineers Justin Medinsky, Solicitor Bill Dissinger
and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly.
President Shipp called the meeting to order at
7:00 pm.
Public and Private Concerns
No sign ins.
The minutes from the regular meeting were
emailed and reviewed. Vice President Hertzler
made a motion to approve the minutes as
presented. Councilmember Fegley seconded the
motion. Approval was unanimous.
The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed
and discussed. Vice President Hertzler made a
motion to approve the minutes as presented.
Councilmember Showers seconded the motion.
Approval was unanimous.
Street Committee Report
Chair Fegley had nothing to report. Topsoil on
Nace Street was added and will be seeded in the
Sewer Committee
Dave advises the basin #2 at the plant will be
pumped down and the brackets repaired on
11/18 and change the diffusers.
Water Committee Report
The new well meter was received inoperable.
The impeller inside is damaged and will need to
be sent back. On DEP’s mandated Service Line
Inventory, any unknown material on either side
of the main, the resident will need to be notified
by letter of possible lead. The letters must be
sent out by 11/15/24. There will
Water Committee Report cont.
be over 100 homes with materials unconfirmed
and must be dug up on both sides to determine
the material. Most of the homes will be on
Sunbury, N. High and Market Streets. We will
have three years to determine the material. The
lead and copper testing we do id non-detect and
there is no lead present in the water. The actual
SLI has not been submitted because of problems
with the DEP spreadsheet. HRG has seen many
issues from their other customers as well.
According to DEP rules, Dave sent a water test
too early for testing which will trigger a violation.
The test needs to be done three days prior or
after the due date which would have been a
Sunday. This will be recorded on the Borough
CCR report next year and we will also get a letter.
Finance Committee Report
After discussion and with no increases in taxes,
water, sewer or trash rates, Councilmember
Ritzman made a motion to approve the
preliminary budget as presented.
Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion.
Approval was unanimous.
Solid Waste Committee Report
The bids for a new contract for 2025-2027 will be
opened at the December meeting.
Solicitor’s Report
Solicitor Dissinger presented the advertised
ordinances to amend #161 and 162 to collect
costs for tapping fees before the connection
occurs. There will be an estimated cost plus 10%
to be paid 30 days in advance.
Vice President Hertzler made a motion to accept
Ordinance #2024-04 amending the sewer
connection costs. Councilmember Showers
seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous.
Councilmember Fegley made a motion to accept
Ordinance # 2024-05, amending water
connection costs. Councilmember Ritzman
seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous.
Engineer’s Report
Justin advises there are no active plans to review.
They are reviewing the reports form Envirep on
the force main pigging. There is a possibility of
air to be in the lines or some other obstruction.
The four air release valves are operable but the
settings and controls were changed and the
pumps may have developed deposits if the force
was not enough. He has rough estimates of
$45,000 to pig the line or and ice function for an
additional $5,000-$10,000. He will be amending
the scope of the grant to include the main
cleaning. The next step is to receive actual firm
He presented a project assignment form for the
secondary water source for $3,000 plus
reimbursables. This is necessary to move
forward on Grants.gov and retain a
hydrogeologist to determine the best test well
site and will be built into the grant budget.
Councilmember Fegley made a motion to
approve the retainer
Engineer’s Report cont.
agreement as presented. Councilmember
Showers seconded the motion. Approval was
Zoning Permit
Zoning Officer Reilly advises he approved a
permit for a deck. This was after digging and
construction began and they were advised to
cease until they received a building permit and
inspections. Solicitor Dissinger will be sending
BIU a letter to proceed and enforce the violation
Mayor’s Report
The State Police will not assist in the parking
issues on S. Market Street.
Old Business
The ac was fixed again in the dump truck.
Council needs to have a new Chair for the
Municipal Authority since Tim Reilly will be
stepping down at the end of the year. Vice
President Hertzler made a motion to approve
Vice Chair Allan Rapp as the Municipal Authority
Chair for 2025. Councilmember Fegley seconded
the motion. Approval was unanimous. Mr. Reilly
will remain a board member.
The pick-up detail looks very good. A motion was
made to detail the dump truck for $200 by
Councilmember Ritzman. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Showers. Approval
was unanimous.
New Business
The County offered to attend the December
meeting to speak on reassessments. Council
does not see the need.
Dave will hand in his written resignation at the
next meeting. He will be taking Christmas week
off for vacation and return to work December
30th and 31st.
Council adjourned to an Executive Session for
legal matters.
Council went back to regular session.
Councilmember Fegley made a motion to
Vice President Hertzler seconded the motion.
Approval was unanimous.
The next meeting will be held on Monday,
December 2nd at 7pm.